5 Small Business & Franchising Trends for 2017

Because buying patterns continue to change based on who the predominate purchasing generation is, so too will business models and selling methods. Being in tune with the newest trends, behavioral patterns of consumers, and what marketing avenues the purchasing generation responds best to is key in a business owner’s continued

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Is your business future proof? Adapting for Generation Z

Although Millennials have been, and still are the current dominate workforce, individuals that fall under Generation Z (born within 1995-2012) are officially beginning to enter the working world. With their entrance, will come future business model changes in order to remain relevant and recruit a staff for the future wellness

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Escaping the dark side of franchising

Recently, we came across an article on Forbes.com called “13 Mistakes New Franchisees Make — And How To Avoid Them”.  We found this article to be particurally interesting because many of the talking points that are addressed within it are common franchising fears that we hear often. This article has

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7 Common Franchisee Mistakes

Are you ready to purchase a franchise? Have you conducted your research? Be sure to avoid these common franchisee mistakes! Unrealistic expectations Not doing your research Not speaking with current franchisees prior to purchase Not reading and/or not fully understanding the FDD (Franchise Disclosure Document) Believing that other franchisees are

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What does real franchisor support look like?

So, you have imagined a vison of business ownership. You’ve done your research, and you’ve established what you want in a business model and have decided to purchase a franchise. At this point, you are ready to begin your journey. You are excited about following a system to success, but

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How to research market demand

When thinking about starting a business, market research is one of the most important aspects, prior to getting your business up and running. One of the most important parts of your research should be establishing market demand. Market demand is exactly what it sounds like. It is the general demand

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Blue collar is the new middle

In a society where the need to get a four-year degree has been ingrained in the minds of young people, for most, it seems like the only option. But, unfortunately, after completing the years of schooling required to receive that degree, most college grads are left jobless and/or forced to

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How to start transitioning into business ownership

You have a large interest in the operations side of business, and you’ve always dreamed about owning and operating your own business but you’re still stuck at a 9-5 job, because after all it pays the bills, right? Does this sound like you? If it does, chances are you are

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Benefits of a small business franchise (SBA)

Often large corporations can have a scary stigma of greed, selfishness, money hungry, no “think local” attitude, and a reputation of treating their team like hired help. Because of this, a lot of people shy away from getting involved in the corporate world, despite the financial and growth benefits that

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Find out more about our awards

SmartCEO Future 50: The Future 50 award, given by SmartCEO Magazine, recognizes the fastest-growing, mid-sized companies in the New York region. According to SmartCEO Magazine, “These companies represent the future of the region’s economy and embody the entrepreneurial spirit critical for leadership and success.” The winners of the Future 50

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