Tired of The Job Search? Consider a Franchise

Does your job search feel endless? Are you feeling more than ready to start your career but you continue to job hop in constant search of the right fit? If this sounds like you, chances are you’ve contemplated a career change more than a few times and/or you’ve already made

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How To Buy a Franchise

Have you decided you are ready to buy a franchise, but you don’t know where to start? While making this decision likely wasn’t easy, and required a lot of initial research and planning, at this point, your research and planning has only just begun! Now that you’ve officially taken the

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6 Habits of Successful People

Although there is no “one size fits all” recipe to success, there are some habits that highly successful people like Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates (to name a few) have in common. Being extremely successful is often based more so on personality, drive, and determination rather than natural

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What’s in a business plan?

If you’re thinking about starting your own business, chances are, you’ve already attempted some sort of rough business plan. Creating a business plan is not only a crucial step in the planning process, but also helps force yourself to answer some important questions. When it comes to franchises, business plans

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Why entrepreneurs don’t make the best franchisees

The two terms, business owners and entrepreneurs, are often inaccurately coupled together and assumed to be the same thing. But really, business owner and entrepreneur mentalities can differ greatly. As an entrepreneur, you are in fact a business owner too, which is where the confusion likely comes in. However, you

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Stages of Business Ownership: Building your way to freedom

Some of the most common reasons why people are interested in business ownership are flexibility, freedom, being your own boss, and financial benefits. However, these ownership benefits are not immediate, and it takes hard work to reap them. At this point, if you’ve entered the initial stage of becoming, or

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Stages of Business Ownership: Building your way to freedom

Some of the most common reasons why people are interested in business ownership are flexibility, freedom, being your own boss, and financial benefits. However, these ownership benefits are not immediate, and it takes hard work to reap them. At this […] The post Stages of Business Ownership: Building your way

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Franchising may provide the best retirement plan

Have you considered your retirement plan yet, and is retirement even an option in your foreseeable future? The definition of retirement has certainly altered through the years, and with that, it has not only become less glamorous, but for some, a goal that seems likely unattainable. The word retirement often

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Undercover Boss: Is your CEO’s identity a mystery?

For those of you unfamiliar with the franchise television series, Undercover Boss, featured on each episode is a different senior CEO, owner, or executive of a different company/corporation who goes undercover as an entry-level employee within his/her own company. During his or her time “playing” an entry-level employee lacking experience,

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Why invest in a home service franchise?

food franchising vs. home service franchise With the presence of so many ever-changing fad and elimination diets, it is not easy to know how long a popular diet, or food choice will last. Not only is the popularity of the type of food we eat always changing, but also the way

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