The two terms, business owners and entrepreneurs, are often inaccurately coupled together and assumed to be the same thing. But really, business owner and entrepreneur mentalities can differ greatly. As an entrepreneur, you are in fact a business owner too, which is where the confusion likely comes in. However, you can be a business owner without any entrepreneurial tendencies or passions. Franchisees are a great example of business owners that likely do not fall under the entrepreneurial category.
In fact, true entrepreneurs are often the wrong personalities for franchising and here’s why.
- They are risk takers.
- They have confidence in their idea and ability to overcome obstacles.
- They are not afraid of change.
- They are independent and like to be in charge.
When we say risk takers, we are referring to the rare fearlessness true entrepreneurs possess. The drive to take whatever risk is involved with starting a business, no matter what that may be. Because they are not afraid of failure or the risks associated with startups, the decreased risk associated with franchising is often not as appealing.
Chances are, if you are a natural born entrepreneur you have been planning and dreaming up your business plan since a young age. Because of this, you not only feel confident in your idea, but also your ability to overcome any obstacles associated with starting and running your business. This ability to overcome obstacles can also be contributed to the risk-taking quality you have.
As an entrepreneur, change doesn’t scare you, in fact, you likely welcome new solutions and business plan changes whenever necessary. This flexibility is key in starting your own business from the ground up.
Additionally, those who possess these entrepreneurial traits are not often fans of being told what to do, how to do it, or when to do it. They are very independent and relish being the decision maker and/or being in charge. Because of this, the systematic, uniform, and planned approach to franchising may actually be a turn off.
Although a person with strong entrepreneurial tendencies may not find franchising to be the right fit for them, to say that all natural-born entrepreneurs shouldn’t become a franchisee isn’t necessarily accurate either. Here are some ways these same traits can work within franchising.
- Reward over risk
- Comfort (in the systems and support) over control
- Opportunities for personalization and innovation
The thrill of risk taking may be inherently within entrepreneurs, but it’s human nature to want to also see reward that helps make these risks worth taking. After already trying to setup one or more businesses, you may be ready for some “guaranteed” success and reward, and this reward may be more enticing than the risk. The best way to see some reward and less risk is by entering the world of franchising. First consider if you are willing to give up some of the independence associated with startup ownership in exchange for this certainty.
As confident as you may be in your ability to plow through trial and error, and keep your business model flexible, solving business challenges can be very stressful and time consuming. At this point you may not only be over the thrill of the risk, but you may also be ready to make some compromises for the comfort of a system that’s tried and true.
What some may not know about franchising is that there is actually room for personalization and innovation. Although a franchise model has a system and guidelines that need to be followed; specific campaigns, training, and structures are often developed and tested by franchisees themselves. Franchisors are not opposed to incorporating franchisee innovations into their business system if they work. At The Brothers that just do Gutters, we actually encourage our franchisees to personalize their business and take advantage of their own unique campaign ideas as much as possible. If we like it and it works, we’ll incorporate it!
Being a franchisee also allows you to be in contact with the franchisor often, and with that comes the ability to express any feedback you may have or advice for system improvements. In addition to this, as a franchisee you have a circle of colleagues in the same position as you. This allows for a joint outlet to share your ideas and business operations, which can help foster the independent creativity inherently within you.

It’s likely that natural born entrepreneurs will not relish the franchising route, and that’s ok. But, if you are an entrepreneur ready for reward, and the comfort of proven systems within a business that encourages personalization, franchising may be right for you! If this sounds like you, or you are simply a leader interested in operations ready to take the leap into business ownership, contact Ken for information on our franchise opportunities!